This page will provide all printable PDF files of CORE instruments providing them in zipped packages of files. To download individual files in English in the unlikely event that you can’t unzip things, go to the instrument pages; to download individual pages in other languages, go to the page for the particular language. This page is in active development and the big step forward is imminent with someone taking over this work funded by UDLA who have, very generously funded that work).
Zip packages of printable PDFs
- All the English language PDFs in one zip file (updated 28/6/22, 3.3Mb, 13 files)
- All the (existing and checked) YP-CORE PDFs in one zip file (3888Kb, 28 files) (updated 03/09/2024)
- All the existing CORE-OM PDFs in one zip file (7199Kb, 42 files) (updated 04/09/2024)
- All the existing CORE-10 PDFs in one zip file (6464Kb, 43 files) (updated 04/09/2024)
- All the existing SF PDFs in one zip file (12985Kb, 85 files) (updated 04/09/2024)
- All the existing GP-COREs in one zip file (5675Kb, 43 files) (updated 04/09/2024)
- All the existing LD-CORE PDFs in one zip file (updated 28/6/22, 2.2Mb, 5 files; currently English only: be first to work with me to create a translation for your language! Contact me!)
- ALL the existing PDFs, all forms, all languages (still very incomplete but already 04/09/24) , 39367Kb of zipped file)
Zip packages of printable PDFs by language
- Albanian (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 28/03/2024)
- Finnish (all adult forms & YP-CORE) (updated 25/07/2024)
- French (all adult forms) (updated 16/02/2024)
- German (all adults forms) (updated 05/03/2024)
- Italian (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 28/03/2024)
- Romanian (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 05/03/2024)
- Spanish (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 28/03/2024)
- Swedish (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 25/07/2024)
- Croatian (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 25/07/2024)
- Portuguese (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 25/07/2024)
- Russian(all adults forms) (updated 01/08/2024)
- Ukrainian (all adult forms) (updated 02/08/2024)
- Gujarati (all adult forms) (updated 05/08/2024)
- Polish (all adult forms) (updated 05/08/2024)
- Norwegian (all adult forms) (updated 07/08/2024)
- Slovak (all adult forms) (updated 08/08/2024)
- Czech (all adults forms & YP-CORE) (updated 13/08/2024)
- Urdu (all adult forms) (updated 22/08/2024)
- Arabic (YP-CORE) (updated 22/08/2024)
- Danish (all adult forms) (updated 22/08/2024)
- Estonian (all adult forms) (updated 23/08/2024)
- Icelandic (all adult forms) (updated 03/09/2024)
- Lithuanian (all adult forms) (updated 04/09/2024)
- Xhosa (all adult forms) (updated 03/09/2024)
- Maltese (all adult forms) (updated 10/09/2024)
- Bulgarian (all adult forms) (updated 26/09/2024)
- Catalan(all adult forms) (updated 03/10/2024)
- Slovene(all adult forms) (updated 12/12/2024)
Page created 10/12/21, updated 12/12/2024; author CE, licence:Â Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).