Let me know if you have questions about the CORE system or instruments. I try to answer Emails as fast as I can and now I’m launching a revamped and more manageable site I will try to convert questions that come up more than a couple of times to entries here. Please read the first FAQ before any others. You may find more detail on a topic in the background and discussion documents though that should be flagged in the FAQ.
- Responsibilities and legalities. Please read this short note before any other FAQ!
- Are the instruments really free to use?
- How do I interpret LD-CORE scores?
- Gender classification in CORE instruments.
- Age ranges for CORE instruments (particularly the YP-CORE).
- Images of CORE instruments (particularly for theses!)
- Why this site has CSC cutting points for (at least some) measures but not names for more than two score levels. That actually points off to a blog post on my generic work site as the issues are not particular to CORE measures.
- What does the “non-commercial” clause in the Creative Commons licence mean if you are putting CORE instruments into commercial software? See this bit of the copyright and licensing page.
- I am putting a CORE instrument into software and want to omit the demographic block in the instrument as we collect that information elsewhere. Can I do that? Probably but see here in the copyright and licensing page.
- “Password protected” problem with the fillable PDFs
Where you might want to go next:
Perhaps the instruments, or just search around!
Created 1/1/15 last change (adding #10): 19/2/24. Authorship of individual FAQs and this text by CE unless stated in the FAQ, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) applies to all posts.