resources is my non-CORE work site. Though it’s not for CORE some of the resources there are in the spirit of the CORE system (free to use and aiming to be useful to practitioners) and should actually be useful to many users of any elements of CORE. Particular elements which are pertinent include:

  • The book “Outcome Measures and Evaluation in Counselling and Psychotherapy” co-authored with Jo-anne Carlyle. Nothing in the book is specific to CORE as it’s about the generic issues, however, nothing in the book is not applicable to CORE either.
  • Glossary: 260+ entries and climbing. There is a link in each entry to Email me if you have questions or suggestions but that won’t tell me which entry you are in when you do contact me so make sure to tell me that.
  • Perhaps most useful to practitioners, managers and researchers wanting tools to help understand numbers in papers and reports and to look at their own numbers: my shiny apps. These include very simple apps that give you confidence intervals around reported statistics or calculate RCI and CSC values but will now (March 2024) include apps that analyse your own data which can be uploaded in a number of formats.
  • For people who want to do their own data crunching and using or willing to learn the R system: my R “SAFAQ”: Self-Answered Frequently Answered Questions relating the free, open source R statistical system which I now use for all my data crunching. See the “welcome” and the “use” pages as steps into that.
  • Those who are already using R for statistical and plotting work may find my CECPfuns package of R functions useful. It’s growing only slowly but some of the functions are specific to therapy change measurement and others are applicable to it. The functions have been well tested and I have tried hard to make the warnings and error messages friendly and not confusing to non-programmers.

Page created for 25/3/24, tweaked 26/3/24. Text and image (Mont Blanc hidden in cloud, from Aime2000, France) by CE. Licence: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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