Translated pages and subsites

Translated pages are not part of subsites: subsites complement the information on the main site and subsite editors are not responsible for translations on the main site.

As of 2020 CORE information is hugely strengthened by largely autonomous subsites in other languages. The top menu of the site has the subsites (over on the right) so I recommend that you check out if there is a subsite in your own language before exploring the main site a lot.

Translations are not the same as subsites

However, the subsites aren’t aiming to duplicate the content on the main site but to foster communities of use in their particular language. To support use by people who don’t read English we can now add translations of pages on the main site into other languages. If that has been done for any page you will see in the main menu at the top of the page a drop down menu offering translations and also a line below the page title listing the translations as clickable links.

Please be aware that most translations are automatic AI translations and haven’t been checked and improved by a human being so you may have a laugh at some of them and have to use some imagination to work out what the AI translator thought the English was saying and from that what it did say. Sorry about that! We hope the translations, AI or human, are useful and that an increasing proportion of the pages will come to be translated into an increasing number of languages.

This is all done by volunteer input!

Please remember that as CST has never charged for the CORE instruments so we have zero income and subsite editors and anyone helping with translations is doing so generously and in their own time. If you could help by checking the AI translations or creating your own for your language do please contact me.

Page created 13/1/21, updated 27/3/22, author CE, licence: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .

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