Here are my usual links:
The official name is the Republic of Costa Rica. The official language of Costa Rica and Wikipedia tells me that there are recognised regional languages: Mekatelyu
Bribri and Patois. A thorough exploration of the use of translation of the CORE-OM into Spanish and done in Spain is OK for Ecuador and discussions with people in Costa Rica lead us to be believe that the same is true there. That paper about the Ecuadorean situation is:
Evans, C., Paz, C., & Mascialino, G. (2021). “Infeliz” or “Triste”: A Paradigm for Mixed Methods Exploration of Outcome Measures Adaptation Across Language Variants. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 695893. (open access). However, if the YP-CORE is wanted for use in Uruguay, work centred in Ecuador but involving colleagues from many other Latin American countries has led us to recommend that a modified Spanish translation of the YP-CORE be used rather than the translation done in Spain, see:
Valdiviezo-Oña, J., Ortiz-Mancheno, N., Valdivieso-Arias, G., Erazo-Pérez, D., Rodríguez-Lorenzana, A., Evans, C., & Paz, C. (2024). Assessing the suitability and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the YP-CORE for adolescents in Latin America: A study in Ecuador. BMC Psychology, 12(1), 671. (open access).
A quantitative psychometric exploration of the CORE-OM is underway in Costa Rica led by a team in ULatina in San José.
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YP-CORE for Latin America
Copyright formalities
Page created 15/12/24. Text and header image (pre-Columban jade ornaments from the national museum in San José) both by CE and made available under Creative Commons licence: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (cf. licence for all CORE instruments themselves).