Approved translations

The approved translations listed in the pages below for each instrument have been completed. Where a translation has been completed to our translation standards I attempt to make it up into a recognisable standard CORE format PDF and also to make up all the derived short forms. When I have done that I put download links here on the page for that language (under Translations). There are two ongoing challenges to that.

Creating PDFs. Firstly, making up each PDF takes up to an hour, sometimes more if there are challenges about right to left layout or character sets, or even just some characters, that are not readily available and it also takes time to make sure a first language speaker checks PDF. This means that for some completed translations, finalised PDFs are not yet completed.

Download links. The other challenge is that the author of the download plugin I used deserted it leaving a lot of paid up customers like myself with sites on which all the downloads were broken. I am still slowly working through every single download link replacing them with links to another plugin handling them … and praying this one remains supported by its authors!

  • CORE-OM and other adult measures
  • LD-CORE (none to date, so if you find one then it’s illegal: please notify me.)
  • CORE-A (TAF and EoT forms; none yet, these generally require local adaptation as much as translation, contact me (CE) if you want to create them for your language/locality.)

Created 10/8/19, last updated 1/7/22, author CE, licence: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .

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