Contact Chris

Please read this and don’t just jump to the form!

The message will come to me (Chris Evans, that’s me above trying to look stern).  We receive no income from the CORE instruments and I do this entirely in my own time so it may take me some days to respond. If I haven’t responded in a week, please chase me.

Help me help you!

Helping me help you​

Firstly: I am now getting several Emails a week, sometimes several a day. Some messages are spam and others are short to the point of being rude (sorry, I know you wouldn’t be, and I do know everyone is crazily busy but …. Please introduce yourself briefly so we’re humans. Tell me where you’re working and, just one sentence, how you work and use CORE instruments.)
Secondly: Before Emailing me please try the search facility for the site to see if what you want is here but not very obvious (tell me if you think I can make it more obvious).
Thirdly and vital: the more detail you give me about your question, the more likely it is that I’ll be able to help you, and without us having to exchange more messages!
Back to the mundane stuff: to get to the actual form now, I’m afraid you have to give your Email address below and you then be sent a link to the actual form. (Yes, I was starting to get a lot of spam!)

[Broken as of August 2024, not sure when I’ll be able to fix this.] I do recommend that you sign up to the CORE update Email list to be informed of developments (that link jumps to another tab so you won’t lose this).  Never more than one Email a month. [Sorry!]

Thanks, Chris.

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