What to put where: FAQs versus background and discussion documents

Created 4/3/20.

This is another very short blog post but it does seem to follow on a bit from my last one about what to blog on which of my sites as this is another issue about what belongs where.

I had an Email enquiry the morning about the age ranges for different CORE measures and that was the latest in a small run of enquiries essentially on the same topic so I thought I’d better check up with some of the first papers about the measures and try to make sure I had a sensible answer that was congruent with those papers but also open for developments. That grew into a short document that was way too long for an FAQ as to colleagues confirmed when I checked with them (thanks JC & CP!) I now have a sensibly short FAQ on the topic but that begs some questions that will only apply for some people but may be behind the question from some people … so I have created a “Background and discussion documents” section on the site for short documents that are too large to be FAQ answers but are less discursive and personal than blog posts and aren’t proper papers (though I suspect that as time goes by, some may generate proper papers submitted to journals.

So welcome to the new section and the new FAQ and keep the questions and suggestions coming … but do remember I’m on this part time and unpaid and really appreciate it when people give me a bit of background to their requests.

Oh, and in that spirit of not letting things get too impersonal here: that image? Graffito in Toulouse where I am at the moment. Skip across to my personal blog for 29/2/20 to find out more but beware, that’s a very long blog post there.

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