CORE updates, October 2020

Created 2.xi.20.

Wow, over six months since I last posted anything here. Trust me, since then I’ve done little but work, and much of that work, CORE related or just to support CORE. I guess CV-19 mitigation really hit home just after that and I came up here (see image above, which was pretty much the view above my monitor a few days ago, see “snow“). With CV-19 it worked out as sensible for me to stay here and pretty much just worked since then.

OK, quick post now as the site is about to go into lockdown, probably for a couple of weeks. It should emerge with markedly better support for languages other than English and structured to make it easy for me, and for others, for me to delegate subsites to be run by some of the brilliant people who work on CORE in languages other than English. I hope it will also have better membership and contact systems to stop spamming idiots wasting my time with their nonsense! OK, bullet points.

  • A huge amount of my time went into creating options that practitioners used to using CORE measures on paper with clients could use working online: start here for that and you can follow the downloads here: 11,871 total downloads to today (though many of those probably aren’t “real” use, however, for every download that was used, I guess many clients have used the forms by now. ResearchGate project log here.
  • I have been very slowly getting through the backlog of translation PDFs made up and, more rapidly, fixing overdue work on some of the translation related collaborations.
  • I have been on top of answering questions pretty promptly after a long period in which overload meant many didn’t get answered, or not fast.
  • My collaboration with Dr. Clara Paz of UDLA in Ecuador has been very active and after some tough experiences with some journals, our papers really are starting to emerge and all are either about CORE or related to it.
    • Evans, C., Sabucedo, P., & Paz, C. (2020). Supporting practice based evidence in the COVID-19 crisis: Three researcher-practitioners’ stories. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1–9.
    • Paz, C., Mascialino, G., Proaño, K., & Evans, C. (2020). Psychological intervention change measurement in Latin America: Where from? Where to? Psychotherapy Research, 1–10.
    • Paz, C., Adana-Díaz, L., & Evans, C. (2020). Clients with different problems are different and questionnaires are not blood tests: A template analysis of psychiatric and psychotherapy clients’ experiences of the CORE‐OM. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20(2), 274–283.
    • Paz, C., Mascialino, G., & Evans, C. (2020). Exploration of the psychometric properties of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure in Ecuador. BMC Psychology, 8(1), 94–105.
    • Paz, C., Evans, C., Valdiviezo-Oña, J., & Osejo-Taco, G. (2020). Acceptability and Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Translation of the Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10-E) Outside the United States: A Replication and Extension in a Latin American Context. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1–10.
    • [10.x.20] Oops, forgot Paz, C., & Evans, C. (2019). The Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure: A useful option for routine outcome monitoring in Latin America. Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama, 27(2), 226–230.
  • I think all but the first of those are open access (and it was open for a while). If you can’t get any of them, contact me and I’ll send you a copy. Hm, that does look OK output for six months with my head down most of the time!
  • The last bit of excellent news is that there is at last a free option that avoids the confidentiality and usability issues with the fillable PDFs by using an online questionbot. Answers are given back to the user (well, to any Email address the user chooses to give).
    The CORE-OM is accessible at:
    and the CORE-10 at:

    Quick declaration: I have helped Barry and Giles with the design of their system but it’s theirs although the CORE-OM and CORE-10 content is of course copyright to CORE System Trust as usual, and isbeing used in line with our Creative Commons licence. Neither I nor they get any remuneration from use of the forms. If you have questions about the forms, do contact them, not me! I’m sure they’ll keep me updated about major developments.
  • That’s it for now. Feedback via the contact form as ever. Best wishes to all for maximum resilience in these horrible times. Chris
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