
The first approved translation of the CORE-OM was into Gujarati. That was led by Hemangini Yadav and her dissertation may be available here.  She did a very thorough piece of work that started our CST translation procedure.  PDFs of the CORE-OM and short forms in Gujarati are at last available, courtesy of some funding from UDLA (Universidad de Las Américas) to get them made up.

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The YP-CORE has not been translated into Gujarati yet but as I am stopping my own involvement in CORE translations by the end of 2025 I don’t think it will be done using the CORE protocol. However, as the CORE measures are all now in the MAPI Trust repository the translation could be commissioned, for a fee, through MAPI (the resulting translation, like all the CORE measures, would remain available without reproduction fees if not changed as it would be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence we have used for all CORE instruments.


Currently, Ms Yadav’s thesis in Leeds University which is listed in Google books seems to be the only reference to the translation.  I (CE) am trying to see if we can get access to an electronic version of that.

Page created for the 1/1/15 launch of the original site, updated 5/1/25, author CE, header image is introductory text from the CORE-OM, licence for page text: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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