CORE blog

The CORE-OM and the h-index

The CORE-OM was the yield from a 3-year grant from the UK Mental Health Foundation, which started in 1995 and resulted in the launch of the CORE-OM and associated system in 1998. One question with all such developments is: what has been its impact? As those working in university settings will know, one index of

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What’s in a name (2): domains, scales, scores, factors & dimensions

The original commissioning specification for the CORE system required that the items in the measure covered domains of wellbeing (or “well being”, or “well-being”: there’s another naming issue!), problems/symptoms, functioning and risk.  The questions were supposed, where possible to include intrapsychic ones and interpersonal ones and functioning was to cover both more personal/intimate and more

What’s in a name (2): domains, scales, scores, factors & dimensions Read More »

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