This is not strictly an FAQ as, so far, I’ve only been asked it once! However, I did realise that there was nothing specific about educational use on the site so it seemed sensible to create this little page.
The original question was whether there were special licence terms for educational use or use in educational organisations. That’s simple: no!
As the creative commons licence covers use without any fees as long as people comply with the terms of the licence, see “copyright and licensing“, I can’t see any problem for any educational use. If you want to use a modification of any of the instruments the answer is almost certain “no” again but contact me and explain why you might want something changed. I can see that someone might want to reproduce one of the measures in educational materials and again, as long as the licence is complied with then we are sure that this reproduction would never become a source of profit just from the inclusion of the measure (our definition of “non-commercial” for that bit of the licence) then we have always authorised that if publishers want an explicit confirmation though it seems to us that the licence itself clearly legally permits that.
Obviously, we’re always happy if any aspect of the CORE system, any instrument, is helping in educational settings. If you would like your service added to our services page, do contact me!
Page created 20/11/24 Page author and image (from Toulouse, France) down to CE, both licenced: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .