
The translation of the CORE-OM into Lithuanian has been completed as has initial psychometric exploration both led by Dr. Rima Viliūnienė from the University of Vilnius.  The translation couldn’t have happened without support from Audronė Nemanienė, Laima Puteikytė, Ramunė Žilinskienė, Ieva Gaškaitė, Jan Hilbig and Lina Jurėnienė. PDFs of the CORE-OM translation are available (below) and those for the short forms should be available if I can ever find time to do the work involved. A paper on the highly reassuring psychometric properties has been published: Viliūnienė, R., Evans, C., Hilbig, J., Pakalniškienė, V., Danilevičiūtė, V., Laurinaitis, E., & Navickas, A. (2012). Translating the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) into Lithuanian. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 67(5), 305–311. doi:10.3109/08039488.2012.745599 ( That’s sadly not open access so contact me if you want a copy.

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Contact and YP-CORE translation

Contact me if you might want to co-lead translation of the YP-CORE into Lithuanian. You might want to read Yassin, S., & Evans, C. (2021). A journey to improve Arabic‐speaking young peoples’ access to psychological assessment tools: It’s not just Google translate! Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, capr.12431. to learn more about the translation process, again, contact me if you can’t get that (it’s behind a paywall as, as we never charge for CORE instruments, we have no money for open access publication fees!)

Page (re)created 5/6/21, last updated 4/9/24. Page author CE, header image JC & CE, both licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Measures, like all CORE instruments, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence so they may be reproduced, unchanged, without specific permission or payment of fees but no new translations or derivative works may be created without permission from CORE System Trust.

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