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The translation of the CORE-OM has been completed and a reassuring initial psychometric exploration involving both clinical and non-clinical samples was done by Dr. Stefanie Sproll for her diploma at the Sigmund Freud Universität in Vienna supervised by Dr. Diana Braakmann.  Dr. Sproll has moved on to full time clinical work and other commitments so a paper based on her work will be submitted for publication whenever I can find enough time to write it.

Meanwhile, contact me (CE) if you want PDFs of the German CORE-OM or any of the derived short forms. Do please also contact me (CE) if you might be interested in co-leading a translation into German of the YP-CORE or LD-CORE or if you might want to co-lead the development of a German CORE users’ PRN (Practice Research Network).

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Page created 1/1/15 for the original site, updated by AU 05/03/24.

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