Finnish YP-CORE

The translation of the YP-CORE into Finnish was led by Dr. Vera Gergov assisted by Mikko Inkinen, Anni Saarela, Jannina Mäkynen, Jarmo Kontunen, Sanna Selinummi, Niina Saikkonen, Sara Knuuti, Aino Kuivila and Akseli Ottelin (with a bit of input from me, Chris Evans!) We published a paper showing reassuring results from an initial psychometric exploration of the measure but there is certainly scope for more work exploring it, particularly check for gender and age cohort differences in psychometrics (as found in the UK, see the YP-CORE page) and establishing good referential distributions for Finland. The first paper is:

Gergov, V., Lahti, J., Marttunen, M., Lipsanen, J., Evans, C., Ranta, K., … Lindberg, N. (2017). Psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE) questionnaire. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry71(4), 250–255.

A Swedish translation of the YP-CORE (Swedish is an official minority language in Finland) has now been completed, coordinated by Emilia Öhman. More on that shortly.


Page created 25/2/20 to replace one destroyed by Download Monitor plugin (25/2/20), originally created early 2017, this tweaked to get rid of Download Monitor 28/3/20. Last updated 7/5/24.

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