
Is officially “the Republic of Türkiye”. Here are my usual links:

The official language of Turkey is Turkish though Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek and Hebrew are recognised languages under the 1923 treaty of Lausanne and the Turkey-Bulgaria friendship treaty of 1925, key dates in the transition of Turkey from he heart of the Ottoman empire to a nation state.

An initial translation of the CORE-OM and YP-CORE into Turkish were co-led by Dr. Inci Dogamer through the independent forward translations and focus group following the CORE translation protocol.  Sadly, the qualitative field testing, the next vital step, never happened and despite a number of offers over the last probably ten years, no-one has ever actually managed to do this for either measure. So I am stuck, do please contact me if you think you could help finish this off: it would make an ideal Masters project but could also be done by a group of undergraduate students who would get a very good research experience (and much kudos!). An Armenian translation has never been started nor have I ever been asked for one, I have had enquiries about a Hebrew translation and tentative offers to co-lead a translation but they never materialised so we are left with only the minority languages of Bulgarian and Greek, links to their pages here:

Copyright formalities

Page created 10/12/24. Text and header image (Ephesus in 1971) by CE both licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Measures, like all CORE instruments, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence so they may be reproduced, unchanged, without specific permission or payment of fees but no new translations or derivative works may be created without permission from CORE System Trust.

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