CORE update for September 2021 (sent 21/9/2021)

Update about CORE September 2021

Hm, I really thought when I got out updates in April and May that I would be doing them monthly.  As it happened I hit a run of technical problems with the new site; then there was a a wonderful development that UDLA (Universidad de Las Américas) have awarded me an honorary visiting chair but have also funded a web technician to help with the site.  That’s fantastic news … but we hit a snag that the first, lovely, person who took up the task ran into health issues and couldn’t follow through … but we now have Juan and so, finally, with his excellent help, the site is up and running with a new look and many technical changes “under the hood”.  OK, that’s the story of why this is so late but also the good news about the site.

What is news in terms of site content:

  • A number of minor tweaks with more coming (and more substantial changes and additions to content when I can find time).
  • I can resume blogging and have started what will be a small series, four or five installments I think, focusing on measure translation but also on the folly of how self-report measures are often equated with blood tests or weighing scales.
  • So the first of that series, focusing on the very recent paper about translating the YP-CORE into Italian is out.  It’s an open access paper so one further click gets you the paper too!
  • The subsite in Spanish, edited by Dr. Clara Paz, is developing. Subsite is not a very good term but it’s the WordPress industry term.  A subsite is an essentially autonomous site and not to be confused with …
  • … translations of the pages of the English site for which we now have the technology.  Clara and colleagues will be translating the more important pages into Spanish in the months to come.
  • So if you would like to manage a subsite in your language, or would be willing to translate pages of the English language site into your language, do contact me.  Translations would of course be at your own pace, a page a month would be great, one a week magical.  If you want information about managing a subsite, Clara is happy to advise.

That’s it for now, more already shaping up to be confirmed here next month!

Original sent 21/9/2021, reconstructed 4/12/2024 when I realised that mailchimp had deleted their archive of posts on the list when they priced me out of using them! Author Chris Evans, licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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