CORE update for November/December 2021 (sent 18/12/2021)

Update about CORE October 2021

Hm, seven weeks after the last not four.  Better late than never?  I’ll take it:it has been a crazily busy seven weeks even by my standards.
What is news?

  • Translations
    * Estonian CORE-OM: Kalle Kallas and I plan to start writing the paper out of his findings there (which look fine).
    * Urdu CORE-OM: Easha Shaid was awarded her Masters “Magna Cum Laude”: congratulations Easha. Her Masters included her work taking the translation to completion and doing a thorough initial psychometric exploration.  We hope to submit a paper on the very interesting qualititative side of the translation early in 2022 and a paper on the reassuring psychometrics later in the year.
    * Setswana CORE-OM: work co-led by Dr. Keneilwe Molebatsi is under way.
    * Estonian YP-CORE: may happen. Fingers crossed as Estonian is one of very few missing EU official languages now.
  • CORE web site:
    * South African and Indian languages pages which had inexplicably vanished restored.
    * A number of other pages tweaked/updated, largely cosmetic but good to do!
    * BSL (British Sign Language) page substantially improved and updated.
    * With Juan Benavides and Clara Paz I are finding the way forward with translating the site.  For now that takes the form of automatic translations of some of the main pages into French, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Automatic translations won’t be perfect but we hope to get them reviewed by native speakers, and to add translations of more of the pages and into more languages through 2022.  If you might want to help with those languages, or any other, contact me.
    * Subsites, i.e. autonomous sites about CORE edited by native speakers, in Brazilian Portuguese and Finnish look to start early in 2022 joining the Spanish site.  If you might want to create on in your language again, contact me.
  • Jorge Valdiviezo Oña in UDLA continues the huge job of collecting up publications involving or about CORE.  There is a steady stream of new publications we are finding, recently particularly in Italian, Spanish and Finnish.  We hope to replace the long out of date list of publications on the site at some point in 2022.
  • Tangential to CORE but extremely pertinent for anyone using any CORE instruments, the OMbook: “Outcome measures and evaluation in counselling and psychotherapy” by myself and Jo-anne Carlyle was published last month:

    and our online glossary complementing that is growing, over 150 entries now, the CECPfuns R package mainly aimed at therapy measure data crunching gained another function (the bootstrap CI of a difference of means) and should grow more in 2022 and bring in interactive online apps complementing the book.
  • Tangential again, I was embarrassed but flattered to be in the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) “spotlight” for this month, see here. I put that here ‘cos I’m flattered obviously, but more seriously because SPR, particularly SPR(UK), was vital to the creation of the CORE system and SPR has continued to be a source of translation co-leaders.

That’s it for now, more next month.  Contact me if you have CORE related news you think should go here.

Original sent 18/12/2021, reconstructed 4/12/2024 when I realised that mailchimp had deleted their archive of posts on the list when they priced me out of using them! Author Chris Evans, licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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