Update about CORE January 2022
Over the last month my life work and non-work lives have been very busy so this will be short.
- General CORE issues
* CORE instruments, in English and in translations, are continuing to be widely used to judge by the papers we are finding. The work to provide a full and updating bibliography is going well based in UDLA.
* Dr. Blackshaw, with some input from me, is working up the first of a series of papers about the YP-CORE in English coming out of her PhD. Lovely to go to her graduation last week and meet her family for the first time! - Translations
* Estonian: I think we are moving to write this up for publication fairly soon.
* Urdu: similar, and I am hoping we will have good PDFs of the full CORE-OM and short forms up by Easter.
* Setswana: is progressing through some challenges. (There are never no challenges for a translation!)
* Bangla and Rohingya are starting.
* Work looking at the suitability of the Spanish YP-CORE translation for use in Latin America is moving on well.
* With Frank & Michael, i.e. as CST, we are starting to work on challenging some unauthorised translations that have been done so please, if you know of one, do contact me. (I think you can do that by just replying to this Email.) - Web site
* Translations of pages are progressing with some pages now translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese/Brasilian, Arabic and Finnish. Again, do contact me if you might help with that for any language. I am using automatic translation so it’s mostly about proofreading and correcting those at whatever rate works for you.
* Subsites in Brasilian/Portuguese and Finnishare getting near to launching. - Tangential
* The glossary for the OMbook is only expanding slowly, about to try to move that up a gear.
* I have created linked entries about Cohen’s kappa and inter-rater reliability in the OMbook glossary, my PSYCTC.org blog and my Rblog, something I hope will be a precedent for other topics that need three levels of exploration, i.e. practitioner, researcher and statistical/R user levels.
More next month and happy new year, if it’s not too late to say that!
Original sent 26/1/2022, reconstructed 4/12/2024 when I realised that mailchimp had deleted their archive of posts on the list when they priced me out of using them! Author Chris Evans, licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).