
The CORE-OM has been translated into Slovene co-led by Karmen Modic, supervised by Gregor Žvelc. A good exploration of the cross-sectional psychometrics in non-help-seeking participants was published in:
* Frelih, T., ÄŒermak Hauko, N., Modic, K. U., & Žvelc, G. (2015). Measurement characteristics of therapy outcome measure CORE-OM in a student population. Kairos – Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy, 9(3). and Karmen’s entire thesis:
* Modic, K. (2019). Effectiveness and Changes in Process of Integrative Psychotherapy Thesis.
can be found here.

With the help of Alejandro Unda from UDLA we hope to get PDFs of the full CORE-OM and shortened forms up here shortly.

Do also sign up for the monthly CORE update Email list where new Slovene and general developments will be announced when they happen

Download PDFs

First version early 2015, recreated 6/6/21, latest update 12/12/24. Author and image by CE. (Image is an esoteric choice from my trip to Ljubjana from which I have sadly few images and no others that fit the banner format!). Licence for text and image: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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