
Translations into Kannada A lot of work was done on this translation, led by two Kannada speaking colleagues then working in Rampton Hospital back around 2007. The work was taken through to focus group stage according to the CST translation policy and procedure.  However, both colleagues were under significant work pressure, one moved on to another country and the translation coming out of the focus group, in a handwritten, is with him and I have been unable to persuade him to resume the work. As we have never had any income from the CORE measures and hence I co-lead translations in unpaid time and dependent on the huge generosity of volunteers to do the real work this is always a danger for our translations. I assume now that we have to start again with Kannada but if you know differently, or would like to lead that restart, or just want to contribute a forward translation or express an interest, contact me (CE).

Originally created 30/3/15 but content chewed up by a WordPress plugin (!), recreated 5/6/21; author CE; licence: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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