For some Latin American countries a rather different Spanish translation is thought to be necessary and that was said to the be the case for Argentina and an approved adaptation/retranslation of the CORE-OM was led by Alejandro Lemos in Argentina with input from Ana Mayo in the UK back in 2012 and I believe it may be in use in Argentina. As of 2017 I have been working with people in Latin America, led by Dr. Clara Paz in Ecuador and we are reviewing the complex question of which countries’ Spanish really is so different from Iberian/Castellano/Castilian Spanish that an adaptation is necessary. We are now working to create rational, empirical ways to explore that question. At the moment (March 2022) I am no longer convinced that the evidence that having a specific translation for Argentina outweighs the loss of direct comparability so I am not making the translation available here (that has been true for some years).
Meanwhile, contact me (CE) if you want more information.
Created 31/3/15, last updated 5/3/22; author CE; header image: Argentina, 2019 waiting for total solar eclipse, CE; licence for page and image: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .